We’re thrilled to announce Children's Brain Tumour Research Centre as our Charity
of the Year for 2022/3!
The Pavers Foundation has awarded £40,000 to the Children's Brain Tumour Research Centre, based in Nottingham, following a companywide vote. The cause was initially nominated by former committee member and store manager, Emma King, who has personal links to the charity.
"I wanted to nominate CBTRC as it is such an amazing cause and now it will be able to continue conducting its fantastic research to find a way to treat, manage and hopefully cure this most awful disease for hundreds of children" - Emma King.
The Children's Brain Tumour Research Centre strives to develop kinder and more effective treatments for children living with devastating cancers, and conducts life saving research to create brighter futures for these children.
35,000 survivors of childhood cancers currently live in the UK, but are still affected daily by the side effects of brain tumour treatment and diagnosis. 450 children are diagnosed with a brain tumour every year in the UK, and currently the devastating reality is that more than a third of these children will not survive.
Our donation will go towards specifically funding a PHD student's research into the treatment of brain tumours in children. The research into brain signalling packages which are proven to protect cancer cells, will be used to predict brain tumour growth and identify therapeutic treatment methods.
"We are incredibly grateful for this donation to support our research which will ultimately improve the quality of life for children living with and suffering from Brain Tumours" - Dr Beth Coyle, CBTC, University of Nottingham.
The Pavers Foundation was established to make a difference to charities and causes close to the hearts of Pavers, Jones Bootmaker and Herring Shoes colleagues and has donated over £1 million to worthy causes since it began in 2018. The Foundation pledges money to causes which are impactful in areas of health, education and community and has recently expanded its operations to lead the environmental initiatives throughout the entire business.